
From the book cover of Réflexions sur mon métier by Carl Th. Dreyer. Paris: Cahiers du Cinéma/Éditions de l’Étoile, 1983. 158 s. ill. (Écrits).
Literature about the life and work of Carl Theodor Dreyer is abundant. The first book about him was publicized in 1940 in Denmark. Since, a great many books about Dreyer's work and life have appeared in different languages. Below is an overview of the ca. 60 most important publications about Dreyer and his films, together with anthologies of his own essays, articles, and reviews etc., besides his published screenplays.

Writing about Dreyer in journals and periodicals is extensive the world over and includes articles, reviews, interviews, analyses and dossiers. An overview of periodicals and other literature at the Danish Film Institute (DFI) Library can be found through a search in the database Bibliorama. A large portion of the literature available belongs to the lending section of the library, but can be accessed through libraries elsewhere. Write to the DFI Library at

Under the film titles you find a specific bibliography - see for instance Day of Wrath.  

Bibliography by Lars Ølgaard, DFI.
23 May 2012.