The Slighted Prophet

Letter #2 from Carl Th. Dreyer to Blevins Davis, 10 January 1957. Archive: DFI - The Carl Th. Dreyer Collection.
In 1949 Dreyer met the wealthy American theatrical impresario Blevins Davis in Denmark. The two men entered into a contract that Davis would produce Dreyer’s film about Christ. A dedicated relationship was now in the budding. During the next 16 years they corresponded, but the film was not even near realization. In all, 256 letters and telegrams were written – 210 from Dreyer and 46 from Davis. The difference speaks for itself …

By Lisbeth Nannestad Jørgensen | 5 July 2013

The Slighted Prophet

By Lisbeth Nannestad Jørgensen.
From the 'Letters about the Jesus Film', Sekvens Særrække, 1988.