81 Dalgas Boulevard

(Steen Møller Rasmussen, DK, 2003)

Short film about Dreyer’s home from 1936 till his death in 1968.

From the DVD 'Don’t Kill Your Darling - 25 korte film'. By courtesy of Steen Møller Rasmussen. 

In Danish

The voice over from the film in English

Leif Rørvig: "Well, I was very surprised, honoured and delighted to have the good fortune of taking over this apartment, which is now being renovated, and at the thought that the great director lived quite a few years in this apartment. I was a very young man when I saw The Word, and I distinctly remember the very, very powerful impression the film made on me, as a youth, then. I have also seen Joan of Arc, and of course I have been following all the press about Dreyer. So, it is a delightful feeling to know that you are living in the same flat where Carl Th. Dreyer lived for so many years."


04:26 min.
Production: Steen Møller Rasmussen/ Plagiat Film
© Plagiat Film 2004


Films on Dreyer